Sunday, March 6, 2011

No tutorial today, I know, I'm sorry!! :X

I feel very bad I didn't post a tutorial today (yesterday March 5th) but I think I have a decent excuse :D

There's a look I know I'm going to post but there were 2 others I was debating filming as well so I kept trying different schemes and products out and today my eyes are super puffy and sore :( I'm hoping tomorrow (Today March 6th) or Monday to post some for all of you!

There's my excuse, still friends?? :)

Also, for those who saw the eyebrow tutorial, how do you like the mini series? I'm thinking of doing an eyeliner one too but what else could I do? Any ideas/thoughts? Like it? Hate it? Let me know!!! Feedback is greatly appreciated!

Hope you guys are having a great weekend <3

1 comment:

  1. i really liked the mini eyebrow tutorial, it was really great. you could do some for false lashes oder something like that.
